How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (2025)

Resistance training is a combination of putting in hard work and programming your routines correctly so you can hit your goals.

We can't bring the intensity for you, but we can tell you how to properly set up your workouts so you have the ideal number of exercises, sets, and reps per muscle group and workout, no matter your goal.

Research indicates that each major muscle group must be trained twice weekly for best muscle-building results. However, there are several unique variables that can impact this, which we'll cover in this article.

We're about toanswer the question: How many exercises and sets should I do per week or per muscle group? In addition, we'll provide key programming tips for several different goals, and break down the most effective exercises for each muscle group.

Table of Contents:

  • Understanding Sets & Reps
  • Determining Sets & Reps
  • Choosing Rep Ranges For Goals
  • Number of Exercises Per Workout & Tailoring Exercises For Your Goals
  • Recommendations For Beginners
  • Optimal Frequency For Training Each Muscle Group
  • Best Exercises For Each Muscle Group

How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (1)

UnderstandingSets and Reps

Two of the most common words you will hear in the fitness world are sets and reps.

  • Reps stands for repetitions, or the number of times you do a specific exercise.
  • Sets means the number reps you’re completing before taking a rest.

For example, if a workout calls for 3 sets of bench press with 12 reps in each set, then you would be expected to do 12 reps three times for a total of 36 repetitions.

Determining Sets & Reps

When you are figuring out how many sets and reps you should do per muscle group and workout, there are 3 factors to consider.

  1. Fitness level (beginner or advanced)
  2. Goal (mass building or fat loss)
  3. Workout frequency


The American College of Sports Medicine states that2-3 sets of 8-12 reps,coming close to failure on the last rep of each set, isideal for muscular hypertrophy1.

Choosing Rep Ranges For Goals

The number of reps you do per set should be aligned with your end goals, which will including increasing power and/or strength, building muscle, and increasing muscular endurance.

  • Reps to Increase Power: 1-3 reps of big compound movements at 70-95% of your 1 rep max.
  • Reps to Increase Strength: 4-6 reps of compound movements at 85-90% of your 1 rep max.
  • Reps to Build Muscle: 8-15 reps of compound and isolation movements using 65-75% of your 1 rep max.
  • Reps to Increase Endurance: Over 15 reps of smaller compound and isolation movements using 30-60% of your 1 rep max.

Number of Exercises Per Workout

Follow these guidelines so you can effectively create atraining program usingthe correct number of exercises per workout.


  • Total sets per workout (10-20)
  • Examples based on sets per exercise (e.g., 3 sets per exercise = 5-8 different exercises per workout or 7-12 exercises if you're doing two sets of each exercise)
  • Goal is to stay at or under 20 setsper muscle group per week ifyou're working the same muscle group twice a week
  • Aim for each workout to have 15-25 sets total, but with less than 10 sets for a specific muscle group on one day
  • Include8-10 multi-joint exercises per week

Also, don't focus so much on how long your workout should be, but rather, make sure you're hitting all of your muscles with effective exercises.

Want to pack on pounds of lean muscle in 90 days? Check out our SFSHypertrophy Program developed byGarett Reid (NSCA, CSCS, CISSN, M.S.E.S.S).

How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (2)

SFS Hypertrophy Program

Prepare to maximize your gains with our exclusive 12-week hypertrophy training program. Choose between a 4 or 5 day training split and gain 2-12 pounds of muscle over 90 days...

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Tailoring Workouts for Fat Loss and Muscle Building

Whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building, we've got you covered! Here's how you can personalize your program to hit your goals.

Fat Loss Strategies:

To lose fat you should be doing a high volume of reps per set while still sticking within the guidelines above. In addition,you must increasethe intensity of these exercises.

You can reduce rest times between sets for extra calorie burn. You can also try to execute HIIT or EMOM or AMRAP circuits to get that heart pumping, that sweat dripping and those calories melting.


  • High-rep sets
  • Reduce rest times
  • High intensity
  • Incorporate HIIT,circuit training, EMOM, or AMRAP
  • Focus onheavy compound lifts as well (with adequate rest time between sets)

    Muscle Building Strategies:

    To build muscle, utilize theconcept of Time Under Tension (TUT), which is the amount of time the muscle is under tension or strained during a particular exercise. In essence, you should try to lengthen the time of each phase of the movement.

    The phase of the movement we are most concerned with is the stretching phase where you should try for slow eccentric movement.


    • Focus on Time Under Tension (TUT)
    • Incorporate heavy compound lifts
    • Rep ranges of 6-12 reps per set

    Recommendations For Beginners

    Those new to fitness should start with full body workouts until their bodies get accustomed to exercising. In each full body workout, each muscle group should be targeted, completing 2 sets of 10-12 reps.

    Make sure to give yourself adequate rest and recovery between workout days.

    Starting Point Guidelines:

    • Full body workouts
    • 2 sets of 10-12 reps for each muscle group

    Optimal Frequency for Training Each Muscle Group

    Numerous studies have been conducted in this area with the majority agreeing that more volume/sets leads to more growth. This 2010 study saw that people who did 4-6 sets per week per muscle group had around 80% more muscle growth compared to those who completed one set per muscle group per week2.

    This study in 2017 reinforced the findingsthat the more sets and exercises per muscle group you do the better the results3.

    There is however a limit to when higher sets/volumes are beneficial and can actually become detrimental to your gains.

    The same researcher from the aforementioned study, James Krieger, studied the meta-analysis and concluded that 10 sets per muscle group seems to be the upper limit of beneficial outcomes. If you’re doing more than 10 hard sets of a particular muscle group in one day you might be doing more harm than good as this “junk volume” can hinder your recovery.

    Take this with a grain of salt, as the exact effects can vary depending on the person’s fitness level, how long they’ve been training and the type of exercises being performed.

    For example, a total of 10 hard sets comprised of squats, deadlifts and lunges will be more taxing on your muscles than leg extensions, quad curls and calf raises.

    Recap of Study Findings:

    • Train each muscle group twice a week for optimal results
    • Training each muscle group twice weekly let's youworkouthard with a high intensity without over-training in one particular workout session
    • More sets per muscle group weekly is best for muscle building
    • Exceeding 10 sets per muscle group can negatively impact muscle recovery
    • How many sets you do weekly is also dependent on your fitness level and training age

    How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (3)


      There are over 600 muscles in the human body! We will briefly touch on some of the best exercises for certain muscle groups. The following 12 major muscle groups that should be targeted in your exercise regimen.

      1. Trapezius
      2. Shoulders
      3. Chest
      4. Back
      5. Abs
      6. Triceps
      7. Biceps
      8. Forearms
      9. Glutes
      10. Quads
      11. Hamstrings
      12. Calves

      Let's now take a look at the best exercises you can do for each muscle group.

      Best exercises to build traps

      The following biglifts help to build strength and size in the traps:

      • Deadlifts
      • Snatches
      • Cleans

      The best exercise to build your trap are different shrug variations.

      The more targeted trap exercises include:

      • Military Press/Overhead Press
      • Farmer’s Walk
      • Shrugs
      • Lateral/Side Raises
      • Face Pulls
      • Upright Rows

      Check out theBest Trap Exercisesfor even more ideas!

      Best shoulder exercises to build muscle

      The king of shoulder exercises are the:

      • Military press
      • Overhead press

      Although the military press might be the best shoulder exercise, there are plenty of others that will also help make your shoulders stronger. The shoulder muscles are also engaged in other exercises such as incline bench press and deadlifts.

      Some exercises to build shoulder strength are:

      • Arnold Press
      • Single Arm Overhead Press
      • Handstand/Wall Push Ups
      • Front/Side/Rear Raises
      • Upright Rows

      Best chest exercises to build muscle

      You often hear people talking about how much they can bench as a sign of strength but when was the last time you heard someone saying how many weighted dips they could do?

      The best exercises to build a strong chest are bench press and dips but there are a number of exercises that assist in developing the chest muscles, including:

      • Dips
      • Incline/Decline Press
      • Push Ups (wide/close grip/weighted/elevated)
      • Flys
      • Pullovers
      • Cable Crossovers

      There is an endless assortment of exercises that can target your chest from all angles. Check out theBest Upper Chest Exercises,Best Lower Chest Exercises,Best Inner Chest Exercises, andBest Outer Chest Exercisesand you'll never run out of workout ideas!

        Best back exercises

        Back exercises can usually be separated into two areas: exercises to increase the depth of the back and exercises that improve the width of the back. Deadlifts are a great example to get a thicker back with pull ups being a perfect exercise to increase the width. A strong back is necessary are we age to help fend off back pain or other injuries.

        The best exercises for back include:

        • Deadlifts
        • Pull Ups/Chin Ups
        • Rows
        • Pulldowns
        • Back Extensions

        Best ab exercises to build muscle

        The best ab exercises you can do are actually not really considered “ab” exercises.

        By doing some major compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, you will force your abs to be engaged which will help to build strength. However, if you do want to target your core more specifically there are a number of exercises that will do the trick.

        Always remember, we all have abs, they are just hiding underneath that belly fat. The old saying goes, “Abs aren’t built in the gym but in the kitchen” which is half true but if you want strong well defined abs you have to put in the hard work. You will also need low body fat to get a glimpse of those abs.

        Some of the best isolated ab exercises are:

        • Crunches
        • Hanging Leg Raises
        • Planks

        For more ideas, check out theBest Upper Ab Exercises,Best Lower Ab Exercises,Best Oblique Exercises, andBest Transverse Abdominis Exercises.

          Best triceps exercises to build muscle

          The best triceps exercises are found in compound movements such as:

          • Pushups
          • Overhead press
          • Close/reverse grip bench press
          • Pullovers
          • Dips

          There are multiple isolation exercises for the triceps that can help with improving the definition of the different heads of the muscle, for example:

          • Press downs
          • Skull Crushers
          • Overhead Triceps Extensions

          For more ideas, head to theBest Barbell Triceps ExercisesandBest Dumbbell Triceps Exercises.

            Best bicep exercises to build muscle

            Once again some of the best exercises you can do to build strength in your biceps are compound movements such as:

            • Rows
            • Pull ups
            • Close grip chin ups

            You can add some isolation exercises into the mix if you want to improve those beach muscles.

            Do these exercises for a massive pump:

            • Crossbody Curl
            • Preacher Curl
            • Incline Curls
            • Alternating Dumbbell Curls

            Best forearm exercises to build muscle

            When doing most upper body exercises your forearms will come into play by holding and gripping the weight or bar. The best compound lifts for your forearms include:

            • Farmer's Walk
            • Deadlift
            • Pull Ups

            Besides the big lifts you can improve your forearm strength with:

            • Reverse Wrist Curls
            • Pinwheel Curls
            • Wrist Curls

            Check out theBest Forearm Exercisesfor more ideas!

            Best glute exercises to build muscle

            The best exercises for building your glutes are based in large movements such as squats. Many gyms these days are adding glute specific workout equipment amongst their lineup as the trend of bigger behinds continues.

            There are also glute specific exercises you for example:

            • Booty Band Lateral Walks
            • Glute Bridges
            • Fire Hydrants

            Best quadriceps exercises to build muscle

            The best exercises for quadriceps are large compound movements such as:

            • Squats
            • Lunges

            There are numerous variations of both squats and lunges so you should never get bored of working out these muscles. There are also isolation exercises such as leg extensions or terminal knee extensions (TKE) if you want to specifically target the quads or are rehabbing an injury.

            Some of the best exercises to build the quad muscles include:

            • Zercher Squats
            • Front Squats
            • Hack Squats
            • Curtsy Lunge
            • Sumo Squat

            Ready for more ideas? Head to theBest Quad Exercisesan theBest Dumbbell Quad Exercises.

              Best hamstring exercises to build muscle

              The best hamstring exercises for building muscles are different types of deadlifts where your legs stay straight and get a massive stretch like stiff legged deadlift. Most gyms also have machines like the quad curl to isolate the effort of the hamstrings.

              The overall best exercises for hamstrings are:

              • Stiff Legged Deadlift
              • Romanian Deadlift
              • Good Mornings
              • Kettlebell Swings

              The possibilities don't end there, either. Check out theBest Hamstring ExercisesandBest Dumbbell Hamstring Exercisesto find your favorite moves.

                Best calf exercises to build muscle

                While some people are born with the genetics to have strong thick calves, others have to work extra hard to add mass to these muscles.

                If you're one of the lucky ones you can get a good calf workout in while doing other exercises such as lunges and split squats. If you're one of the unlucky ones then you might have to put some extra effort into building up your calves. Whatever the case, don’t be the one walking around with a massive upper body and chicken legs.

                Try some of the best exercises for building muscle in your calves:

                • Standing Calf Raises
                • Seated Calf Raises
                • Leg Press Calf Raises

                  How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (4)

                  Exercises & Sets Per Muscle Group & Workout: Final Takeaways

                  There isn’t a magical equation to find how many exercises, sets, and reps you should dofor each muscle group to maximize muscle growth.

                  Fitness is a personal journey where you have to do the hard work to see what works best for you. There are plenty of fitness gurus on the web that preach a certain number of sets/reps is the best but that’s probably because it’s what worked best for them.

                  The only way to determine what sets, reps and exercises are right for you is to get out there and get after it. If you need help getting started, follow a structured program that includes an exercise, set, and rep range that aligns with the goals we discussed above. Then, if you find you need more or less volume than the program includes, you can tweak it based on your needs.

                  Workout Program Recommendations:

                  • Push/Pull Split: Thepush pull splitwill have you doing push exercises on the same day, think bench press, overhead press, squat. Then you will do pulling exercises the next day; think rows, deadlifts, pull ups.
                  • Upper Body/Lower Body: Theupper-lower splitwill have 2 days of upper bodyworkouts and 2 days of lower bodyworkouts weekly.
                  • 5 x 5: In the 5x5 program you will be doing 5 sets of 5 reps for the big compound lifts such as deadlifts, squats, rows, overhead press etc. usually 2-3 days per week.
                  • Full Body: As the name implies you will targeting all major muscle groups during each workout with a full body workout plan. The rep range should be 6-12 reps.

                  How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (5)

                  SFS Hypertrophy Program

                  Prepare to maximize your gains with our exclusive 12-week hypertrophy training program. Choose between a 4 or 5 day training split and gain 2-12 pounds of muscle over 90 days...

                  View Now

                  For additional programming and frequency information, check out our article onWhy You ShouldTrain Each Muscle Twice a Week.

                  How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (6)


                  1. Selecting and Effectively Using Free Weights: Two Types of Free Weights.
                  2. Krieger JW. Single vs. Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010;24(4):1150-1159. doi:
                  3. Schoenfeld BJ, Ogborn D, Krieger JW. Dose-response relationship between weekly resistance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of sports sciences. 2017;35(11):1073-1082. doi:
                  How Many Exercises And Sets Should I Do Per Muscle Group & Workout? (2025)
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