Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

May 16, 1975 PRESS, Binghamton, N.Y. 13-B TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1 -ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS Itgol 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.000 00 Electrical Work (Divisions I and 14) 10.000 00 No bidder may withdraw his Bid within 45 days alter the actual date of the opening therof, but may withdraw it at any time prior to the scheduled closing lime lor receiving Bids. Bidders' attention Is referred particularly to Governing Laws and Regulations, Including Affirmative Action Requirements Equal Employment Opportunity, Minimum Wage Rate Requirements to be paid under the Contract Sales Tax Exemption and Safety and Health program required by Federal Law(s). The Board ol Education reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any and all Bids. BOARDOF EDUCATION OeRutyer, Central School District DeRuyter, New York WILLIAM H.

SPICER, Clerk Paled: May 7, 1975 III memeriom 7 Auctions 12 BUTTON'S AUCTION BARN Leon S. Button, Auctioneer Great Bend, (717) 179 2300 EMPIRE LIVESTOCK MAR KET Dryden, every Monday and weanesoay, GLENN H. MUNSON Auctioneer; selling, appraisals. Groion. N.Y, (607 891-3739, McLean (607 838 8273.


14417 PHONE 716-494-1880 HOWARD VISSCHER Auctioneer, Real Estate Broker Nichols, N.Y. 1607) 699-7250 I.T. 4 OA. WELCH and SONS S. EDMESTON, Y.

Leonards ville. 315 855-414? MEL MANASSE AUCTIONEER Whitney Point. 697-3609 MIKE MICHA AUCTIONEER 729-3151 Personals 14 11 NOTICE On April 23, 1975, the owners of Station WAAL, operating on 99.1 megacycles, filed with the Federal Communications Commission an application requesting its consent to the assignment of the license of Station WAAL, to Butternut Broad, casting Company, Inc. The officers, directors and stockholders of the corporate licensee of Station WAAL are: Mr, Mrs. George Gray, and their sons, Robert Gray and Scott Gray.

The oflicers, directors and stockholders (10 or more) of Butternut Broadcasting Company, Inc. are: Mr. I Mrs. Alaslair B. Martin, Frederick P.

Tascone, Mr. Mrs. Edwin A. Bernstein, Richard L. Bernstein, Patricia Reynolds and Mr.

Mrs. James R. Nicholson. A copy of the application is on file for public inspection at the studios of WAAL located at 117 Hawley Street, Binghamton, N.Y. Respectfully submitted, WAAL RADIO, INC.

By GEORGE GRAY President May 7, 1975 Auctions 12 ANTIQUE AUCTIONS Third Sat. of each month at II a.m. Unadiila, N.Y., Rt. 7, next to Una-dilla Drive-ln. AFTON AUCTION HOUSE Alton, N.Y., Box 16.

439-2522 ANTIQUE AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 17 One mile north of Unadiila, N.Y. on Route 7 next to Unadiila Drive-in Theatre. In a large blue building. Watch for Auction signs and arrows. Starting time 11:00 a.m.

sharp. Partial listing; all oak as follows: Refinished oak china cabinet with mirror back, 7 fancy refinished sideboards, 1 with claw leet, 2 piece primitive slant front desk with tear drop pulls, 9 piece dining room suite, with Round pedestal table, refinished jelly cupboard, 3 round tables all refinished I with claw-lee oak highboys, fancy oak server with clawfeet, 2 square tables 1 with pedestal and clawfeet, 2 refinished Viand AS, one real lancy with oval glass door, fancy refinished stand with clawfeet, morris rocker, 2 swinging rockers, fancy chair with claw and ball feet, spindle back rockers, commodes, sets of spindle back chairs, 3 piece oak bedroom set, 2 fancy Lady's and Gents chairs, sectional book case, 3 door ice box, I oak piano stool plus other piano stools, Refinished tiger maple gate leg table, 3 piece rel inished pine bedroom set, I fancy double cannon ball brass bed, pair of matching single brass beds. Cherry slant front school masters desk, fancy carved ma- hogany highboy with mirror, fancy mahogany 2 door bookcase with leaded glass doors, fancy mahogany curio cabinet with claw and bail feet, fancy 3 wheel wicker push cart with top consignment of primitives too late to advertise. Fancy walnut Victorian rocker, fancy square walnut banquet table with pedestal base and ten leaves, 5 piece English walnut loveseat set with lions heads refinished and newly upholstered Walnut Victorian hanging mirror, 2 Victorian candle stands, set of 8 Victorian walnut side chairs, Set of 4 Victorian walnut chairs. Fancy 3 piece marble top bedroom suite.

Fancy high walnut bed, walnut cylinder roll secretary. Special for this sale: 1 Lionel 2333 Santa Fe Diesel train set. Lionel Marx Super track and accessories with 250 watt transformer. Antique Victor movie camera. Plus much much more consigned too late to Advertise.

One of our largest sales. Come early and look it over from 9:00 A.M. till sale time. Terms Cash or 1 Way Checks Auctioneers Alton Auction House Mel Marriott Box 16, Afton, N.Y. Rex Accurso Phone 607-639-2522 EAT HEAT SEATS LYDIA WALTON ANTIQUE 1 COLLECTABLE AUCTION Take.

Lenoxvillar Pa. exit 43, off Rte. (1. Watch for Auction arrows. FromFleetville, Rte.

107, East I mile, turn on Handsome Lake follow Auction arrows. Saturday. May 17th. 10 a.m. round oak pedestal tables; 3 china closets; 4 oak ice boxes; roll top desk with carved polls; 3 hoo-sier cabinets; sets of spindle back chairs; beautiful walnut cylinder roll bookcase desk; 2 marble top walnut dressers; carved walnut hall mirror; childs Lincoln rocker; "huge pine cupboard; pine blanket chest; other pieces in walnut, pine and oak all beautifully refinished.

Churns; wicker pieces; brass cash register; ginger bread clocks; regulator clock; Tiffany type lamps; pewter, silver, tin, glass ware including depression, carnival, pressed, cut and china; old jewelry and much, much more. GERALD R. PEN NAY, AUCTIONEER 717-289-4533 S. This is the largest and most impressive sale I have ever had the opportunity to cry. Auctions 12 ESTATE AUCTION 2 DAYS SUNDAY, MAY 1 8th 2 Sessions 1:30 and 7:30 P.M.

MONDAY, MAY 19th 1 Session 7:30 P.M. TO BE HELD AT OWECO HEADWAY INN Rt. 17-C-Adjacent to I.B.M.-Owecjo. N.Y. TUDOR ANTIQUES LTD.

AMHERST, N.Y. Auctioneer Martin Mendelow LeiSee Sodety Page for full detaiUjJ leqoll II, LEGAL NOTICE The County ol Broome will receive tealed bids lor purchase of CEMENT CONCRETE, STEEL POSTS, CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE and ALUMINUM SIGN BLANKS at the Office of the Oirector of Purchase, Sixth Floor, New County Oflice Building, Binghamton, New York, not later than 10:00 A.M., MAY 73, 1975. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 10:70 A.M., MAY 73, 1975 in the Public Assembly Room on the Second Floor of the New County Office Building in the Government Plaza. Specifications and proposal forms on which bids must be submitted may be obtained at the above address. The Director of Purchase of Broome County reserves the right to reiect any or all bids ottered.

HUBERT R. GOODRICH DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE DATED: May 15, 1975 LEGAL NOTICE The County of Broome will receive sealed bids for purchase of EIGHT (81 AUDIO PLAYBACK PROJECTORS at the Officeof the Director of Purchase, Sixth Floor, New County Office Building, Binghamton, New York, not later than 10:00 A.M., MAY 73, 1975. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 10:30 A.M., MAY 23. I97S in the Public Assembly Room on the Second Floor of the New County Office Building in the Government Plaza. Specifications and proposal forms on which bids must be submitted may be obtained at the above address.

The Director of Purchase of Broome County reserves the right to reiect any or all bids offered. HUBERT R. GOODRICH DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE DATED: May 14, 197S LEGAL NOTICE The County ot Broome will receive sealed bids for purchase of PRINTING OF THE EVENING BULLETIN FOR 1975-76 at the Office of the Director of Purchase, Sixth Floor, New County Office Building, Binghamton, New York, not later than 10:00 A.M., MAY 73, 1975. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 10:30 A.M., MAY 23, 1975 in the Public Assembly Room on the Second Floor of the New County Ottice Building in the Government Plaza. Specifications and proposal forms on which bids must be submitted may be obtained at the above address.

The Director of Purchase of Broome County reserves the right to reject any or ail bids offered. HUBERT R.GOODRICH DIRECTOR OF PURCHASE DATED: May 14, 1975 STATE OF NEW YORK, SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OF BROOME NIAGARA COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, Plaintiff -against- RAYMOND J. HARDY and NANCY L. HARDY, his wife.

Defendants Index No. 107546 in Pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly granted in the above entitled action, and entered in Broome County Clerk's office, on the 23rd day of April, 1975, PHILIP C. JOHNSON, the under-Signed, Referee in said Judgment named, will sell at public auction at the front vestibule of Broome County Court House in the City of Binghamton County of Broome, N.Y., on the 2nd day of June, 1975 at 1 :00 o'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Time, the presmises described in said Judgment, as follows, ALL THAT TRACTOR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Union, County of Broome and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Being known and designated as Lot Number Four Hundred (400) on a map entitled "Subdivision of Part of the LaTourette Farm and Part of the LeBaron Farm" subdividided by En dicott Johnson Corporation and recorded in Broome County Clerk's Office in Book of Maps No. 3 at page 181. Said Lot No.

400 as shown upon said map is situate on the south side of Elm Street and is forty-eight and five-tenths (48.5) feet wide, front and rear, and one hundred twenty-five (125) feet deep; together with the appurtenances and ail the estate and rights of the mortgagor in and to said premises, and together with all fixtures and articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to, or used in connection with, the ((remises. Subject to easem*nts, covenants and restrictions of record in Broome County Clerk's Office. Dated: April 24, 1975 PHILIP C. JOHNSON, Referee TRAYNOR, SKEHAN ANO MARKS. Attorneys for Plaintiff Olf ice and P.O.

Address 34 West Main Street Rochester, New York 14614 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT BROOME COUNTY In the Matter of the Application of JOAN E. MOORE for dissolution of her marriage with RICHARD GEORGE MOORE NOTICE Index No. 108687 TO RICHARD GEORGE MOORE: TAKE NOTICE that a petition has been presented to this Court by Joan E. Moore, your wife, for the dissolution of your marriage on the ground that you have absented yourself for five successive years last past without being known to her to be living and that she believes you to be dead, and that pursuant to an order of said court, entered the 29th day of April, 1975, a hearing will be had upon said petition at the said Supreme Court held in and for the County of Broome, in the Broome County Court House in Binghamton, New York, on the 7th day of July, 1975, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. Dated: May 1, 1975.

JOAN E.MOORE Petitioner ROSEFSKY D'ESTI Attorneys for Petitioner Office and P.O. Address 96 Hawley Street Binghamton, New York 13901 Ph. I 723-4333 Auctions 12 20-EMPIOYMENT Nell Wanttd 22 DRIVERS Part time wanted for Courier Service starling June 1st. Must use own vehicle Send resume to: Box 1003 care ol Gannett News, papers. DRIVER-Co-driver or helper wanted for long distance furniture van.

Call 798-9027. EARN $100 A DAY We can professionally tram you in 3 days "Everyone needs our product 'There are 90,000 local prospects. We are a 13 year old Federally approved company We need men and women 'All company benefits. You may qualify, if you are a well groomed individual, have a strong desire to move up, and a late model car. For appointment, call 754-7245.

ENTHUSIASTIC PEOPLE Interested in starting group. Base gui tar, drum possibly keyboard. Must have own equipment, trans-portation. 625-3521. ENTHUSIASTIC PEOPLE Inter-ested in starting group.

Base guitar, drum possibly keyboard. Must have own equipment, transportation. 625-3521 ETHAN ALLEN PERSONNEL "Your Opportunity Agency" 772-1560 Colonial Plaza, 30 W. State St. EXPERIENCED Cab Drivers Want ed Whalen's Taxi 184 State Street EXPERIENCED BUTCHER Local independent grocery store, Montrose, Pa.

Call 717-278-7053 anytime. FANNING PERSONNEL AGENCY 772-1203, Daily Job Specials 1:30 a.m. WNBF Radio FIELD SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Servicing Accounts in Department Stores for Sewing Notions Distributor. 25 hours per month, $2.25 hourly plus expenses. Must have own transportation.

Write and include telephone number to: LT Industries, Haverhill Andover, 01810. FULL OR PARI IIME Triple Cities larger food company is expanding its present facilities and has Immediate opening for salaried and incentive work. Call 748-1539 or 748-1530, 10 a m. 12 noon for appointment for interview. Ask tor Mr.

Burton. FULL TIMEPART: TIME McDonald's Vestal way. Apply in person, 2 p.m. -4 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER Middle aged woman, daytime hours, Bingham- ton area, 15 hours a week.

Write P. O. Box 116, Binghamton, N.Y. 13904. HOUSEKEEPER Live In, 7 at days.

Call after 5, 754-2458. I NEEO-3 Men to help me with my business, salary S4 per nour ana up. Call 754-6423. JOBS-JOBS-JOBS-IVAN ASSOCIATES Employment Agency Suite 601, Press 723-5466 LIMITED OPENINGS Part time and lull time. Over 18.

For interview, 797-8488, 9-6 p.m. LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER-For elderly woman. $40 per week. Plus room and board. Supply references.

Please reply to Box 1001, care of Gannett Newspapers. MALE HEALTH CLUB MAN-; AGE Full or part time position available, able to give massages, keep records, salary and benefits open. Send resume to box 1005, care of Gannett Newspapers. MANAGER TRAINEE- U.S. Safety jMnd Engineering, Vulcan Division, "mas openings for 3 men, factory sponsored training program.

Sala- i ryl4per hour and up. Call 754-6423. MARKET RESEARCH Company needs individual for office duties. invoice readings, auditing, in-storc checking. Females encouraged to apply.

An equal opportunity employer. MF. Call after 5, 754-6066. MEN OR WOMEN-No age limit, who are interested In sales, opportunity to earn $175 per week salary plus commission or more repre- senting our company. Call 723-8857.

PERSONNEL AGENCY STEVE SUTTLES, 729-6215 235 MAIN JOHNSON CITY NEED. EXTRA MONEY? Be friendly home Toy Party demonstrator. Enjoyable evening work, -no cash investment, no delivering, collecting or paper work. 723-2959; 648-3907. NORMILE PERSONNEL AGENCY For the better positions since 1944 S3 Oak Binghamton, 723-5377 NURSING DIRECTOR WANTED O'Connor Hospital, liberal fringe benefits.

Salary com mensurate with experience. Experienced preferred. Contact: Frank Lotz, Administrator, 607-746-2371, Delhi, N.Y. OFFICE WORK-1 person office. service business, typing, tiling, bit-' ling, payroll, telephone work, permanent employment.

Downtown Binghamton. Monday-Friday, normal fringes and holidays, immediate opening. Reply giving information and references, salary desired to Box 1004, care of Gannett Newspapers. JJOPPORIUNIIYJS Gruver Realty one of Broome Counties leading real estate companies is hiring salespeople with or without experience. We offer complete training, leads, ample floor time to make you one of the best In your field.

If you have ever considered real estate sales as career call us today, Gruver Realty, 729-1533. PARTS COUNTER PER SON Prefer experience, but will train the right person. Apply main office. Don Owen, 2301 Main Endicott. PART TIME OR FULL per hour.

Evenings, Saturdays for display work. Car necessary but not experience. Excellent summer job tor students. Call 723-4101, Mon. day-Friday, 11 a.m.

to 1 p.m. for appointment. REGISTERED PHARMACIST-FulI time, excellent starting salary plus benelits. Call for appointment, Kent Drugs, 729-6166. RESTAURANT HELP WANT-ED Full and Parf time, day and night.

Apply in person Carrols Rev taurant, 3103 E. Main Endwell. No phone calls. SALES-Super spot. Start NOW! Ames, Snelling Snelling Agency, JC, 797-1785.

SECRETARY-ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT High School graduate with management administrative oflice experience for responsible leading, modern coeducational, residential camp. Apply in person or send resume to Summer Unit, New York State Employment Ser- vice, 42 Main Binghamton, 13905. I SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST For Eye Doctors Office. Must be pleasant and personable. Typing, shorthand necessary.

Must enjoy working with children. Pleasant interesting surroundings. Hours 1 to 5. Tuesday to Friday. Call 724724.

3641 SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST r-or eye Doctors ottice. Must be pleasant and personable. Typing, shorthand necessary. Must enjoy working with children. Pleasant interesting surroundings.

Hours I to 5, Tuesday to Friday. Call 774-3641 SELL KNAPP SHOES Part time or full time. Complete sell ing equipment provided free. Big commissions and bonus. Write to R.L.

Johnson, 107 Knapp Centre, Brockton, Mass. 02401. SEWING MACHINE OPER ATORS Part time, experienced need only apply. 785-5817; 785-2060. SNELLING 8, SNELLING AGENCY 48 WASHINGTON AVENUE ENOICOTT.

754-4555 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals 14 WOULD YOU LIKE -To learn nee-diecraff in your own home? Rose, 775-1604. YOUNG MEN WHO ASSISITED AC-CIOENT VICTIM AT BROTHER'S TWO, APRIL 75, PLEASE CALL 754-2640 OR 785-1718 YOU'RE INVITED-Selling cloth-Ing, 10-17, TV's, labrics. silverware plants, Karmann Ghia, paintings, camera, dishes, iewelry appliances, books, shoes 6Vi-7A, plaff Jewing mahcine, typewriter. ZIPPER SERVICE-AII types garments. Free pickup, delivery.

Hems, alterations. MASTER CLEANERS 219 Chenango 777-7777 IVa TON TRUCK Going to Florida, empty, will return partly loaded. Will haul either way, share expenses. 607-467-3801. lost one! Eeund IS FOUNO-Clipboard in Lobby of Gannett Newspapers.

Please contact Receptionist. FOUND Bicycle, vicinity Johnson City, call 797-6745. FOUNO lemale pup, black and brown, part Husky and German Shepherd, vicinity Harry Johnson City, 779-4117. FOUND Female white and brown dog. Black around each eye with brown spots on ears.

Part Collie. Vicinity Sanitaria Springs. 648-8327. FOUNO Pair ot Woman's eyeglasses, gold frames. State SI.

Parking Ramp. Call 774 7465. FOUND Set of keys. North Arthur Endicott. Must identity.

748-8780. FOUND-Small Part Collie dog, light brown, brown collar. Vicinity of Choconut Valley Trailer Park, Pa. 717 5 53-2642 alter 5:30. FOUND Small child's wallet, near Crone's, Riverside Plaza, call, 798-7238.

FOUND-White cat; found about 3 weeks ago vicinity Airport Bing Black mark on top of head. 729-1780. FOUND Young male dog, short-hair, light tan and white. Vicinity Vestal Parkway. 779-4327.

FOUND-10-speed bicycle. Vicinity Vestal. 785-6829. FOUND-10-speed bicycle. Vicinity Vestal.

785-6829. LOST-lady's wristwatch. Gold with black band. Girard-Perraux. 648-8068.

LOST- cards. Health and Credit fastened with rubber band. Call 724-8716. LOST Diamond, vicinity of Victory Market, Apalachin. Reward.

Call 625-3932. LOST Gold stretchband bracelet, heart. State Park, May II, sentimental value, reward' 723-1794. LOST Lady's silver wrist watch at Grand Way (Binghamton) parking lot, Tuesday. 648-4407.

LOST Two G.E. electrical meters. Vicinity Dunbar Rd-North Rd -Frost Rd. Reward. 723-1054, 729-2969, 748-8574.

LOST White-face bull. Port Crane area. Reward. Call, 648-4530. LOST-White toy poodle, without collar, vicinity Eaton Place, Binghamton.

773-0206. W-fMPlOYmENT Help Wanted 22 AAA Real Estate sales career opportunity for the achievement oriented individual in our growing company. Our exclusive, unique recruiting program assures you job comfort before you start. Call now! THE CIRBA COMPANY REALTORS 729-6723 ASSISTANT Director of Nursing. Progressive, fully accredited, 350 bed, acute and extended care lacii ity seeks a creative practitioner to assume administrative responsi bilities of our extended care facil ity.

Outstanding opportunity for a rehabilitative experienced baccalaureate degreed individual. Contact Personnel Department, St. Luke's Hospital Center, P.O. Box 479, Champlin Utica, N.Y. 315-798-6066.

"AVON CALLING" AVON'S NEW EARNINGS PLAN MEANS YOU MAKE MORE MONEY. Sell guaranteed, world famous products, many at new low prices. I'll show you how. Call: 723-4004 BEAUTICIAN-Two year license, to teach beauty school, apply Mrs. Novak, 5 Court 722-1279.

BOOKKEEPER Permanent position, full charge through trial balance, interesting and challanging position, qualilied applicants call 722-4226 between II a.m. and 2 p.m. tor appointment. CAMP COUNSELOR-Teacher or Bachelors degree in education for activity leaders of primary age groups in NatureScience, Pioneering-Overnight camping. Arts and Crafts, Dance Instructor, Gym or Atheltic Coaches for a leading, modern, coeducational, residential camp.

Apply in person or send resume to Summer Unit, New York State Employment Service, 42 Main Binghamton, 13905. CAREER ORIENTED Woman or man for field management position, with national company. Personnelsales community background desired. Submit resume to Box 4630, care of Gannett Newspapers. Welcome Wagon International An Equal Opportunity Employer CARE for elderly lady weekends.

Call 724 6089 or 648-5749. CARETAKER Wanted by gentle man farmer. Must be jack-of-all-trades, have experience in all phases of farm lite. I offer a new house and many extras, including good salary for just the right family man. (914 985-7220 985-2895.

CHILO CARE Wanted. Concerned woman to assist motherless family, with I pre-school andO) 9 year old child. Send references to Box 4677 in care of Gannett Newspapers. CHILD CARE Loving woman (or 2 small boys, weekdays, my South-side home or yours. 772-9172 evenings.

CLERK TYPIST And tile clerk. To perform routine and varied office duties and filing. Use of typewriter, adding machine and calculator required. Enjoy working with figures, salary open, good benefits, local company. Send resume, including telephone number to P.O.

Box 1077, Department 8, Binghamton, New York, 13902. An Equal Opportunity Employer. co*ckTAIL WAITRESS With some experience. Apply in person. House of Yu Restaurant, between 13 p.m.; or call tor appointment, 779- 1017.

CO rtlc I wn I1 1 PP perienced, middle aged, to live in, 5'7 day work week, will have own apartment, bedroom, living room, bath, cable TV. no heavy cleaning or laundry, top wages tor right person, must have best references. ill) 724-5601. COUNTER CLERK for sub shop. nights and weekends.

Must be 18 or over. Apply in person Randy's Subs, 162 Conklin Binghamton, r- COUNTER PERSON WANTED O'Shea Auto Parts 748-7717 OANCERS-No experience neces sary. $200 and up. Itgolt 11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW, TOWN OF BARKER, BROOME COUNTY, NEW YORK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there has been introduced before the Town Board of the Town of Barker, County of Broome and State of New York on May 12, 1975 a local law to control areas subject to floods within the Town of Barker, Broome County, New York. The purpose and intent ol this local law is to minimize the potential loss ol lilt and property during periods of flooding by regulating the alteration andor the development ot those areas within the 100-year Hood as delined In said local law.

The local law further provides for the establishment of a building permit system within the Town of Barker lor the building of new structures within the Town of Barker andor the alteration of existing structures within the Town of Barker. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that pursuant to Section 70 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing will be held on the aforesaid proposed local law before the Town Board of the Town ot Barker af the auditorium ot the Chenango Forks Elementary School, Chenango Forks, New York at 7:30 m. o'clock on Thursday, May 27, 1975 at which time all interested persons will be heard. Dated: May 12. 1975 CHRISTINE L.

GILLETTE, Town Clerk NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the inhabitants of Mount Upton Central School District, State of New York, qualified to vote at school meeting In said district will be held at the Mount Upton High School in Mount Upton, New York on Tuesday, June 10, 1975 at 8:00 p.m.. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law. The anticipated Budget for the year 1975-74 will be submitted for adoption by the voters at the annual meeting on June 10, 1975 and voting on the adopted budget will take place on Wednesday, June II, .1975 in the High School between the hours ot 12 noon and 8:00 p.m. DST. And notice is hereby given that a copy of the statement of the amount of monies which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes exclusive of public monies together with a copy of any resolutions which are to be voted upon, may be obtained during the seven days immediately preceding the annual meeting by any taxpayer in the District, except Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m.

p.m. DST. The following terms of office to be voted upon: 1. Robert Farrell-three year term expires July 1, 197S. 2.

Frank Lukas-one year term expires July 1975. And notice is also given that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District no later than May 10. 1975. Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the District and must state the name and residence of the candidate. Position on the ballot will be determined by a drawing to be conducted by the District Clerk at 10:30 A.M.

on May 12, 1975 in the District Business Office. If a candidate is not present at the drawing, a person designated by a written proxy may be present or the district clerk shall be authorized to act as proxy. No candidate is permitted fo withdraw his candidacy after the ballots have been printed. Dated April 21, 1975 by order of the Board of Education. REEVED.

CURTIS Clerk, Board of Education Press Want Ads Producers It Will Pay To Investigate NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING HARPURSVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual district meeting ol the-inttabttants of Harpuriviile Central School District qualified to vote at school meetings in said district, will be held at the junior-senior high school building in said district on Tuesday, the 24th day of June, 1975 at 8:30 o'clock p.m. for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, pursuant to section 1716 of the New York Education Law, that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district during the seven days immediately preceding the annual meeting, except Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, at each schoolhouse in the district in which school is maintained during the school hours of 9. 00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the following vacancy in the office of member of the board of education is to be filled: Term of Office: Five years Name of Last Incumbent: Howard Washburn NOTICE IS ALSO GIVN, VTHAT THE petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the board of education must be filed with the clerk of the district not later than the 26th day of May, 1975. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the polls shall be kept open for election to the ottice of member of the board of education at the junior-senior high school building on the 74th day of June, 1975, between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that votes shall be taken at said annual meeting upon the following propositions authorizing, taxes to be levied by installments: 1. Authorization by the district of roofing replacement on the high school facility and the bus garage in the district, at an estimated maximum cost of 1108,658, for the high school facility, at an estimated maximum cost of 135,090, for the bus garage, and at a total estimated maximum cost of to be raised by a tax therefor upon the taxable property of the district in the sum of to be collected in fifteen annual installments as provided by section 414 of the Education Law.

2. Authorization by the district of the construction of a physical education facility, consisting of two tennis courts and a paved recreational area, at an estimated maximum cost of 133.759; to be raised by a tax therefor upon the taxable property of the district in the sum ot to be collected in ten annual installments as provided by section 414 of the Education Law. A portion of the capital outlay and debt service for both projects is entitled to state aid under the provisions of section 3602 ol the Education Law. 3. Authorization by the district of the purchase of one 30-passenger school bus, at an estimated maximum cost of to be raised by a tax therefor upon the taxable property of the district In the sum of 111.772 50, to be collected in live annual installments as provided by section 416 of the Education Law.

4. Authorization by the district of the purchase of two passenger vehicles, to replace similar vehicles in service for three years or more, at an estimated maximum cost ot 13,600, for each vehicle, and at a total estimated maximum cost of 17,200: to be raised by a tax therefor upon the taxable property of the district in the sum ot 17,700, to be collected in three annual installments as provided by section 416 of the Education Law. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that, pursuant to section 3651 ot the Education Law, a vote shall be taken at said annual meeting upon the following proposition: Authorization by the district ol the expenditures ot the principal and interest in Capital Reserve Fund Plant Improvement (having a balance of 15.803 73 plus accrued interest) lor the payment of a portion ot the cost of construction of a phytical education facility. Dated: May 7. I97S BOARDOF EDUCATION HARPURSVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT JANE SCHUMACHER School District Clerk ruFu iyrj, r-3u camper special, OM miles.

ut Ilk new. 13995 DOOGE, 171, D-100, I automatic. $1795 CHEVROLET. 1963, Vi ton, box. im.

Many oiheri to choose from BLABAC MOTORS 725 Corliss Ave Johnson City, 797-9311 HOME AND INCOME WEST SIDE 2 family with 1, 4 room and bath apartment and a 7 room apartment with I baths. All separate utilities, 2 car garage. Help yourself become a home owner. Low Ann Marie Mayer, Realtor, 729 3755 MADELINE B. MANGAN REALTOR 722-2931 ROUTE II tl.OOO terms, or 56.000 cash for handyman's special.

Plus industrial land. Sacrifice. Shaner, 722-0244. STAPLETON REALTY, 729-0957 SOUTH SIDE 2 story, consid erably renovated interior. Carpeted foyer, living room, dining room and stairs.

New 4th bedroom and bath, new root, 2 story double garage, corner lot. 127.500 PAUL F. TSCHOPP REALTOR 722-8539 SOME MING EXIRA Just unbelievable room in this 4 year old brick trend 3 or 4 bdrm ranch. Smallest bedroom measures 15x10 2. Big family kitchen with builf-in range and dishwasher.

There is a 24' deck off the formal dining room, 2 fireplaces, I in the living room and 1 in the bright, attractive family room with wet bar, bath and sliding doors fo fenced yard. 2 car garage, gas heat, big lot, low taxes, beautilul closet and storage space Most desirable location oft River Rd Priced in ISO'S. MADELINE B. MANGAN REALTOR 722-2931 TRAVEL TRAILE RS Get reservations early. Insurance.

H. Patch, 441-4269 after 4. MOTOR HOMES Pace-Arrow. Coachmen, Mobile Traveler. Best deals.

JIM'S MARINE and Travel. Rt. 199. Keystone Ave Sayre, Mon-Fri. 9-9; Sat.

7I7-M5-02I1. $2,500 DOWN SOUTH SI DE 3 family shows a good return. Good starter tor building your tortune. Let us show you how. EMMERICH J.

BARES, JR. REALTOR 72I-I20S SPENCER (NEAR) Just reduced, 34 ''j acres, 160' road frontage. $10,800. 797-3091 797-2453 SAMUEL'S VESTAL-CENTE Commercial location, 1500 sq. ft.

good location for antique shop, grocery store, or restaurant. Nice 4 room apartment on second floor, gas heat, 2 car garage, atsumable mortgage, secondary financing available. $39,500. EMMERICH J. BARES, JR.

REALTOR 723-8308 HIGH COST OF LIVING Shouldn't keep you from living in style. Of course, a bargain is no bargain if it isn't nice to look at and live in. That's why this 3 bedroom ranch is so terrific as well as economical to maintain. You won't believe the price $27,300. That's a bargain! Ask about our home trade-in plan THE CIRBA COMPANY REALTORS 779-4223 CLIENTS-Seekmg tax shelter situations.


HOME AGENCY, REALTORS Endwell. 715-3377 Vestal, 748-7341 MONTROSE AREA Four acres with two story farm, house, over- looks valley, ideal location, low taxes, owner selling. $15,000. Phone 717-271-22)4. POWER'S RD.

-Aluminum sided attached garage, 4 bedrooms, lovely kitchen, walkout basem*nt, $23,500. EMMERICH J. BARES, JR. REALTOR 723-1208 f- HORSES, GARDEN AND SPACE 40 Geautiful acres and a nice, 7 or 3 bdrm. ranch, 7 story barn, 2 meadows, some woods and a brook.

Located near State Park. Happy to show you. MADELINE B. MANAGAN REALTOR 722-2938 ONE ACRE PLUS-7 room remodeled bungalow. 2 story barn with electric door, shop, beautiful shade trees, priced at $27,500.

For appointment only, salesman: RICH-'ARD FRIEND, 648-4814. REALTOR, L.W. HAYES, 723-957) MONEY CAN BUY, 73)79 This immaculate 2 story home iust minutes from town with E. schools there are 3 large bdrms. flagstone fireplace in the living room built-ins in the beautiful kitchen.

Wall-to-wall carpeting central vacuum, system. Large 2 car garage spacious home in a lovely setting. An exceptional value at 138, LIVE BETTER 73185 In a conveniently located 5 5 duplex that's iust been freshly decorated features a remodeled bath in the owner's apartment. 2 Furnaces asbestos siding large lot. 126,900.

REMEMBER WE CAN TAKE YOUR HOME IN TRADE For appointment only, Salesmen: 42-9987 785-730! 754-1262 797-1188 legal 11 Clark, Clark. Millis 8, Gilson, AIA Architects Engineers 425 James Street. P.O. Box 90 Syracuse, New York 13701 Phone 115-479-4423 IVNITATION TO BID AODITIONS-ALTE RATIONS DeRuyter Central School DeRuyter, CSO JeRuyter, New York 13052 You are invited to bid on a General Construction, Heating 8 Ventilating, Plumbing or Electrical Contract in connection with ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS to the existing DERUYTER CENTRRAL SCHOOL, located in DeRuyter, New York, a part of the DeRuyter Central School District. Bids must be on a lump sum basis.

The Board of Education, DeRuyter Central School District, County of Madison. State ot New York, will receive sealed bids until 4:00 P.M., wednefday, June 4, 1975, at the District Offices, located In the OeRutyer Central School Building. DeRuyter. New York 13052. All bids received after this time will not be accepted.

All interested parties are invited to attend. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Drawings and specifications may be examined at the Architect's office and at: F. W. Dodge Coporation, 3522 James Street, Syracuse.

N.Y.13706. Syracuse Builders Exchnage, 113 Twin Oaks Drive, Syracuse, N.Y. 13704; Dodge Scan, 858 Park Square 31st James Street, Boston, Mass. 07114. Plans and specifications will be available on or about Wednesday, May 7.

1975. Copies of the above documents may be obtained at the office of the Architect in accord with the Instructions to Bidders, upon depositing the sum ot 150.00 for each set of prime contract documents. Bona-fide prime contract bidders to the Owner, upon returning the documents to the Architect's office in good condition within 30 days following the contract award, shall be returned his deposit in full. Non prime contract bidders returning the documents in good condition will be returned the sum ot 125 00. Bid Security in the following amount must accompany each Bid.

in accord with the Instrutions to Bidders: General Constru lion (Divisions I through 14) $40,000 00 Healing Ventilating (Dvisions I and I5A) 10.000 00 Plumbing (Divisions I and I5B) AUCTIONS Montrose, Pi 717 2 78 574 JENNINGS, ROBERT On end of-' ttr this date. May It. 197S. I will not be responsible lor any debts other than those contracted by myself. Robert Jennings i Boi 74 Hoiisfeed, LOST Lady's silver wrist watch at GrandWay (Binghamton) parking lot, Tuesday.

441-4407. 'PARI IIME EVENINGS i 5 10 9 TELEPHONE SALES Good starting Salary and connlsiions Paid Vacation-Paid Holidays EiceMent Company Benefits Call Mr. A. Urda i 797-2352. i.

RCA SERVICE CO. tl3 0ekdele Rd. Johnson City 'An Equal Opportunity Employer CHILD CARE In my South Side, Binghamton, home. Mornings and afternoons. 77M 434.

CHENANGO BRIOGE-Sleepihg room with kitchen privileges. Working girl preferred. SIS weekly. 441-4769 after 4 HARRY DR. Clean nice room, hot plate included.

$40 per month. Days, 797-2356, nights 797-0547 ROSS CORNERS-I bedrooms, car-peted throughout, weekly plus utilities, no pets, SI00 security, 862-9268 OLIVER ST. -Clean. rooms and bath, all utilities furnished, no pets, )O0 per month. 779-6808.

WEST SIOE-J bedrooms, second floor, stove, refrigerator, no utilities, adults prelerrcd, available June 8120. 723-S134. SOUTH SIDE- Small but nice apartment, 4 rooms, second floor, oftstreet parking, I30 plus utilities, 723-8200. MAIN ST. 190- Carpeted, 2 rest rooms, gas heat, 1200 a month.

EMMERICH J. BARES, JR. REALTOR 723-8208 LAKE LOTS, BFAVER LAKE -How would you Ilk to own a lot on Beaver Lake? Well you can, now with ust a small down payment, and the balance will carry myself at a very low interest rate. Call me, BILL BLABAC, tor SPEND-Memorial Day Weekend in the beautiful Adirondacks. Housekeeping cottages on 4th Lake.

(315) 337-1314. Also a few dates available lor summer camping. PAINTING-lnterior-Exterior. Call -the Specialists now. Phone 779-4244.

PAT CUMMISKEV i SON, 19 Jen- hison Ave Johnson City. 'ASSORTMENT OF ITEMS complete household for sale, some antiques. -GARAGE SALE on Saturday 10 4 p.m.. Castle Creek Rd, 2nd house on lelt past cemetery. AUTO INVERTER to 110 volt; electric drill, unused; electric sabre saw; electric saw; and fine grind stone with motor; electric iigsaw with motor; movie camera with zoom lense; Poloroid camera with case, cost S125 new.

79 Blfch Corner of Vestal Ave rear door. GARAGE SALE-4 families. May 3 miles from Union Center on Rte. 318. Box 24).

Clothes, fires, antiques, household, odds ends. AIRCONOITIONERS- 15,000 BTU, $150 5,000 BTU, (10. Call 724-1143 or 798-2125. GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. -4 p.m.

Household goods; furniture in very good condition. 741-7193. 905 Monroe, En-. dicott. PORCH SALE Friday, after 4:30.

Saii day Saturday Sunday, J7-I8th. Dressers, child's desk, never used 4 trailer bed. Miscellaneous items, 6 Miller Conklin, near Van Bell's Grocery, turn Pit Conklin Rd. onto Lotus. 724-3190.

GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 17, 10 4aamily clothing, ellaneous items. Double oven gas range, side tool boxes for pickup truck. 12 Banks Johnson City. off Riverside Dr. REFRIGERA-TOR Gat range, beds, dressers, heaters, chairs, tables, couch SI5 up.

724-1132. oiuM'souiiEi 124 Clinton Binghamton dpen noon to Monday-Friday 9 a.m. p.m. Saturday Save on new and used furniture Reconditioned and guaranteed used appliances. Discontinued styles, floor samples.

Damaged goods, trade-ins, convenient terms. 727-1491. ENDLESSk MOUNTAINS ANTIQUE CENTER-and Outdoor Flea Market is open every Saturday and Sunday, 10 till 5. Room for everyone. Main Great Bend, Pa.

1-717-479-4129. DRUMMER AND BASS PLAYER -Wanted for nice Rhythm and Blues Band with goals higher than local scene. Willing to ignore social music trend. 791-9114 CAR LOADS Of new planes, organs. Just arrived.

Also new band instruments at a price, all brands-and INTRODUCING, for the first time in this area. ROAD POLY I0NE Amplifiers, Utterly Fantastic! GODFREY SON MUSIC 754 Washington St. 727 745 SIDEWALK SALE! SAT May 17th ONLY! Big savings on Special Group of organs and pianos, trade-ins, rental returns, discontinued models. McNElL MUSIC, Vestal Plata. AMERICAN FLYER-IVES Lionel toy trains; repairs done.

CAFERRO, 407-724-9318 FREE Loveable kitten, only to good home Call 775 )322. ANDY'S SPORT CAR CENTER Authoriied RenaultPeugeot Dealer 1808 North Endicolt, 754-7990 HONOA, 1973 350, excellent condition, $795. BLABAC MOTORS, 225 Corliss Ave Johnson City. 797-931). 1930 MODEL A COUPE Resto-rabie.

completely rebuilt engine. Hydraulic brake conversion parts. $825. Less motor, $500. Call after 5, 748-9970 IMPERIAL, 1970 LeBaron $1895 DOOGE.

1949 Swinger, 4-speed $995 MUSTANG. 1470-Blue finish $1795 FURY, 1973-Air. 4 door $2095 CAMARO, )949 Convertible $1795 CHEVROLET, 1970-Wagon $1095 THUNOERBIRD, I960 $995 ELDORAOO, 1970-Loaded $7695 JAVELIN. 1973-2 tone, air $2895 VALIANT. 1971-Automatie $895 MUSTANG, 1967-Automatic $495 CORVAIR, 1944-Convertible $495 PONTIAC, 1964 $395 CHEVELLE.

1970-4 speed $995 UITAI I AUTO SALES 238 Main Johnson City. 729 1802 Across trom Ben (INTO. 1973 Runabout, automat- EO STOLARCYK. Chevrolet 479-4173. Whitney Point.

779-7777 FORD. 1977. Galaxie 500, just like new. 11995 DUSTER. 197), 45.000 miles.

$1495. CHEVELLE. 1944, Station Wagon. $195. Many others fo choose from BLABAC MOTORS 725 Corliss Ave Johnson City.

797-- 93)1 CORVETTE STINGWAV COUPE. 1971 454 4-speed. AM-FM, 30.000 miles. Power steering, power brakes. 7)7-815-9953 CAMARO.

174 350, V8. 4 speed, new exhaust, tires, clutch. $2200. Call 741-1771. FORO TRUCK PICKUP.

1974 1 ton with extras. Excellent condition Call 717-594-3025. nn j. nm i nnAN A HOME IS YOUR BEST ASSET $17 E. Main Endicott, 785-7444 CLARK In loving memory of our niece and cousin, Linda Lou Clark, who would have her lath Birthday.

May 14. Sadly missed by Joyce and Ed Hrehor and children CLARK In loving memory of Linda Lou Clark, who's 14th Birthday is today, May 14. We can't say "Happy Birthday, he wa we used to do. It's the wonderful, cherished memories You lelt behind, that will help us through this day. Birthdays meant so much to you.

That's why we say today, "Happy Sweet 14th Birthday To our precious Lin in Heaven. We love and miss you so much honey." Ma, Dad, Lisa Gram, Gramp Aunts, Uncles and Cousins COLONERI In loving memory of Frank Coloneri, who passed away years ago today. May 14, 1970. So many things have happened. Since your were called away.

So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. Everyday in some small way. Memories of you come our way. Tho absent you are ever near. And missed and loved always.

Always loved, never forgeotten, Wife, Daughter, Son-in-law And Granddaughter KINNEY In loving memory of our Mother, Mrs. Catherine (Kay) Kinney, who passed away years ago today. May 14, 1970. There is a sad, but sweet remembrance, There is a memory fond and true. There is a token of affection.

Mother, And a heartache still for you. Sadly missed by daughter, Shirley and son-in-law. Bill letols 11 NOTICE ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING NEWARK VALLEY CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWARK VALLEY, NEW YORK 13811 BUDGET HEARING; (Tuesday, June 17, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. EOT) NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Annual Meeting of the inhabitants of the Newark Valley Central School District, Newark Valley, New York, qualified to vote in such school district will be held in the Auditorium of the High School Building in said school district on Tuesday, June 17, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. (EOT) for a Public Hearing on the school budget.

VOTING: (Wednesday, June 1, 1975 from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. EOT) Voting on such business as authoriied by education law will begin at 2:00 p.m. (EOT) and end at 8:00 p.m. (EDT) on Wednesday, June 18, 1975.

BUDGET NOTICE: A copy of the General Fund Budget for the School Year 1975-74 may be obtained at the offices of any of' the school buildings ol the District from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on school days during the seven days immediately preceding the Annual Meeting. PROPOSITION 1: RESOLVE that the Board ol Education, Newark Valley Central School District, Newark Valley, be authorized to issue Bonds to mature in 3,. 3, 4, and 5 years in amount not to exceed a total ol 170,000 00 for the purchase of three 64-passenger and one 15-passenger buses for use-beginning-July 1i 197.

NOMINATING PETITION: NOTICE IS ALSO given that petitions nominating a candidate for the office of Member of the Board of Education of said Central School District must be filed with the Clerk of the District not later than May 16, 1975 The foliowingacancy exists: Five Year Term -Incumbent Ralph Held ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS The election for members of the Board of Education, voting on the Budget and any business authorized by education law will be held at the High School Building on Wednesday, June 18, 1975 between the hours of 7:00 p.m. (EDT) and 1:00 p.m. (EDT) WALTER H. SHREVE. Clerk May 3, 1975 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS -PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pur suant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Barker, Broome County, New York sealed bids for the purchase of bituminous concrete will be received at the of fice of the Town Clerk, Itaska, Town Of Barker, County of Broome, New York until 10:00 a m.

EST on the 77nd day of May, 1975, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids will be submitted in sealed envelopes at the above address and shall bear on the lace thereof the name and address of the bidder. Detailed specifications are available to any interested bidder at the office ot the Town Clerk. Itaska, Town of Barker, Broome County, New York. The contract for the purchase of the above item will be awarded by the Town Board to the lowest responsible bidder.

In cases where two or more responsible bidders submit identical bids as to price, the Town Board may award the contract to either of such bidders. The Town Board may reiect all bids and re-advertise for bids in its discretion. By Order of the Town Board. CHRISTINE L. GILLETTE, Town Clerk Dated: May 17, 1975 Modification of Grant Application of New York State As Prime Sponsor For Financial Assistance Under Title I of the Comprehensive Employment And Training Act of 1973 The State ot New York is modifying its FY 75 comprehensive plan for Title I of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA).

This modification is being prepared for two purposes: first, 11.583.223 has been added to the Title I allocation lor the "balance of New York State' second, the program is being adjusted to increase enrollment to compensate for unexpended funds in the initial quarters of the program's operation. The additional funds bring the total Title I allocation to 110. 135,894 The funds will be budgeted as follows: $1,883,000 lor administration; $298,000 tor participant allowances; 15.578.000 tor participant wages; 1317,000 lor participant fringe benefits; 11,279,000 for training; and 1781.000 for services to participants. The lunds will be allocated to program activities as follows: 1733,000 for classroom training; 11,332,000 for on-the-iob training; 1110,000 tor public service employment; 17,900.000 for work experience; and 161,000 tor services fo clients By June 30, 1975. approximately 7,000 individuals will be served in 4,000 training and tob slots.

Additional individuals will be served as the program continues beyond June 30. 1975 A copy of the State's application will be on file for public inspection with the Manpower Planning Secretariat. Koom 563. Building 12. Stale Office Campus, Albany, New York between the hours of 1:20 a.m.

and 4:30 m. Monday through Friday from June 7, 1975 to July 7, 1975 It will also be on file in the Field Offices located at 333 E. Washington Street, Room 559, Syracuse. New York; Two World Trade Center. Room 73-40, New York City; and 45 Court Street, Koom 403.

Buffalo, New York. Statr ot New York -Louis L. Levinp Industrial Commissioner on behalf AAA. I GOLF INSTRUC TION Beginners or experienced slicers. Improvement guaranteed.

Tri-Cities Golf Driving Range, ask for Tony Longo 779-9418. ABANDON WORRIES about your Lawn Party, Reception, Reunion, etc. Tent Rentals at a Discount or 20'x40'. Erected. 729-0306.

ABOARD-New York. May 24-25 Rochester, Lilac Highland Park, Museum, Conservatory and shopping. May 31st. avert, 797-8406; 797-6049. Lesch, 777-1944.

ABOARD Scandinavian Holiday, August 15-79, escorted by Millie Ra vert. 797-8406; 797-6049. Plata Trav el Bureau. 779-7775 ABOARD-Scandavia Travel Night Movies, refreshments, free odmis sion. Vestal Plaza Auditorium, June 71, 7:30 p.m.

ALL DAMAGED GARMENTS Rewoven. Bring in or mail ROYAL WEAVING Closed Mon. 78 Birch St. 727-3154 ALTERATION All type of men's Clothing. Work done in our own tailor shop.

Schapiro's Mens Shop, Endicott, 748-8757. ANYTHING To Sell Rent A Stall Sundays 10 -5 At The PEDDLERS MARKET Route II Kirkwood, N.Y. (607)777-0427 Non-Profits Free ARE YOU WORRIED about your prinking? Alcoholics Anonymous can neip. can 77-u. BABYSITTING SERVICE-While you shop or work, large play area 748-9703.

BEAUTIFUL TREES, Evergreens You dig and save Stss, select from thousands. Jackson's, 647-5577 evenings; 687-0748 days. CERAMIC TILE BATH and BATHROOMS Regrouted. Light repair work. Slate foyers repaired.

Mac, 785-5014 after 7:30. C0NMDEN1IAL The Evening Press will not disclose the name of any Box Number advertised in Classified. However, readers answering box number ads and desiring to protect their own identity can follow this procedure: Address your reply to the box number and attach to it a note listing the name of persons or firms you do NOT want your reply to reach. If the advertiser is anyone you've nentioned, we'll destroy your letter. Address your letter to-Confidential Service Evening Press Classified Advertising Vestal Parkway East Binghamton, N.Y.

13903 DRAPERIES Shop at home for inexpensive, ready made custom made. Frank, 773-5845. FLEA MARKET Crafts, Sunday, June 1st, Saturday July 19th: St. John's Memorial Center. 797-7965.

HEY DON I hear they have a large variety of Oriental food at the Old World Deli. HIDY OCHIAI'S Karate and Judo -Self-defense, exercise, weight control. Vestal Pkwy. W. 748-8480.

HYPNOSIS CONSULATION SERVICES Professional staff dealing with habit control, anxieties and other personal difficulties. 777 0369. INSURANCE, LESS-Cars, home owners, mobile homes, commercial. H.Pike, 775-1017, eves. IN TIME ON TIME TIMEX Over a dozen styles of TIMEX watches on sale 75 OFF, SEE OUR SELECTION NOW! Great gifts for MotherFafher Graduates or ANYONE! CRONE DRUG, 67 Leroy St.

across from Leroy Package Store or 45 Riverside Dr. next to Pancho's Pit. JIMMY 5TU The Polka King, May 31st, 1975, 9 p.m. -I a.m., Fountains Pavilion, Johnson City, added extra Bill Flynn Dancers. Sponsored by Chenango Valley Optimist club.

Advance tickets S3, at door 13 50. Blue Ribbon Cleaners, Polish Community Hall, Hi-fi Records, Jane's Bridal and Pat's Bar and Grill. JUDO ANO KARATE Saizen-DoiO, 27 Chenango 775-1776. Men, women and children. MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Shampoo and Fingerwave, S3 00.

InaBelle Beauty Shop, 715-7621. NOW FROM HUDSON VITA-MINS-100 tablets of Zinc lOmg. SI 69 at Crone Drug, JC or Binghamton. NURSERY SCHOOL-Centerland Nursery School, the most progressive and best equipped preschool experience for your child, is now accepting applications tor Fall 1975 For information and brochure call, 774-2417. PEDDLERS MARKET Opens May 18, 10-5 Anything to Sell Rente Stall (607)722-0427 Non Profit's Free PEDDLERS MARKEI Main Maine, N.

(717) 879-2188 HALLSTEAD, PA. -Two family dwelling in excellent condition on large lot. $19,000. Listing No. 545.

NEW MILFORD, PA. 3 bedroom ranch with full basem*nt, attached one car garage with patio. Situated in quiet section ot community. $31,500. Listing No.

543. GREAT BEND, PA. -3 bedroom dwelling with modern bath on large lot, garage, new wiring. 814,500. Listing No.

549 JACKSON TOWNSHIP-197 Mobile Home on half-acre lot; Nice tor seasonal living or year 'round residence. 18.300. Listing No. 551. USED SALE 1974-17'.

trailer, top, sides, like new with new warranty. S7999. IS TRI, 55hp, trailer, loaded. 17350 15 Fiberglass IO, like new. $1495.

14', 35hp. electric, trailer $599. 14', 40bp electric, trailer. $699. 17' Crestliner, excellent $890.

13', 30hp electric, trailer $696. 30hp. Johnson electric 1390. 22hp. Mercury, $179.

18hp. Evinrude, $245. lOhp Johnson, $229. '-ihp. Elgin-Rebuilt, $169.

Pen FRIENDS IN A -Wanted urgently; all ages. The Pen Society, (H8I), Chorley. Lanes, England. WANTED Serious minded musicians; bass guitarist, keyboard, and vocalist to play variety of music for future jobs. Owego, 687-1901.

TOWN AND LAKE AUCTION GALLERY ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MAY 18 1:00 P.M. FLEETVlLlE, PA. FURNITURE; 3 round oak fables, 1 with lion head and claw feet; 2 sets of ook spindleback choirs; large, ornate oak buffet; 2 oak iceboxes; 4 oak wash-stands; 2, 4 piece wicker suites; 2 iron beds with brass trim; oak hall rack; 2 curved glass china closets; square walnut china closet with carved Dolphin heod; PRIMITIVE: Outstanding 2-pieat Teplar drysink: beautiful one-piece pine corner cupboard; chestnut plantation desk with drop front; solid cherry 6 legged drop leaf table; chestnut washstand with towel ban solid cherry chest-en-chst; Dovetailed pine blanket chest and LOTS more furniture MISCELLANEOUS: Exceptional earthenware buttermilk pitcher in mint condition with He-blue poppy design; 2 piece Majolica, Jardinere; picture frames; crocks; piano stools; plant stands and collectibles, too many to mention. LAMPS SIGNED DUFFNER AND KIMBERLY ANO COMPANY IEA0ED GLASS HANGING DOME; carnival domes with red trim; banquet lamps with cherub base and original shades. CLOCKS: Oak Schoolhouse; oak regulator; mantle and shelf docks.

RUGS: 9x12' Chinese rug; 6x9' wine colored oriental with heavy pile. GLASSWARE Heisey depression; Nippon and MORE. INSPECTION-SUNDAY, MAY IS, 11 A.M.-1 PJK. LOCATION: Corner of Rtos. 107 and 407 in Fleetville, 4 miles west off exit 61 from Interstate II 1 0 miles north of Scranton.

For additional information call: 717-945-5295 OWNER: THOMAS 0. HOTTER AUCTIONEER: ROY MARTIN CASH GOOD CHECK HOT LUNCH AVAILABLE All CAY r.ovrnor Huuh Cere.

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.